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【ルームツアー】中庭のある平屋「建築家の自邸」新しいアップデートのメルヘン な 家 日本に関連する内容の概要


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SEE ALSO  泊まれる本屋さんって知ってる?カップルにおすすめのブックカフェだった! | 関連情報の概要泊まれる 本屋 カップル最も詳細な

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平屋,平家,平屋 ルームツアー,新築一戸建て,新築,中庭,中庭のある家,中庭のある平屋,庭,豪邸,おしゃれ,平屋の家,平家の家,シンプル,間取り,ルームツアー,暮らし,注文住宅,住宅,設計,設計事務所,カフェ,岐阜,設計士,建築,建築士,建築家,モダン,home,house,one-story house,plans,garden,An Architect’s Own House,architecture,cafe。

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41 thoughts on “【ルームツアー】中庭のある平屋「建築家の自邸」 | メルヘン な 家 日本に関する最も完全なドキュメントの概要

  1. Paranihia Anaru says:

    All that great design wasted by being so close to high voltage power lines carried by pylons. Research shows greater health risk – of cancers, leukaemias near pylons. But the risks can be reduced by distance from pylons and barriers such as trees around the homes, also a corridor between homes and other buildings and the pylons. Not only to protect health and safety but also to protect the integrity of the power supply.

  2. Ashutosh Khanduala says:

    I dont think large windows would be such a good idea unless there is some iron shutter or something to protect them. For example: If I want to go on a 30days vacation leaving my house unguarded, I want to make sure that my house is not easy to break in. Glass windows are easy to break in. Iron shutter should be there to protect the house from thiefs n burglars trying to enter through those large glass windows

  3. naoe72 says:


  4. Jim David says:

    Too austere for me, even lifeless I’d be depressed as F living there. Apart from a colorless drab life, living there, what is especially depressing is the low ceilings.

  5. Hey Boomer says:

    This guy can be my architect! Such a sensitive awareness of all the issues and approaches the contribute to a home’s design solutions. I like what he says about windows being central to a design, but I do like having curtains (not lace!) that can be drawn after dark. Windows at night are usually “black holes”, even if they are set in the “right direction” and make a space seem empty and uncomfortable.

  6. Bernard Masambaji says:

    Many thanks to Arch. Shigehiro and Living.K…I'm a practicing Interior Architect and never had the best years at the start of my school and carrier, so I am mostly self-taught through watching and reading and listening to champions like Shigehiro and it encourages my knowledge and skills…Arigatōgozaimashita

  7. rico says:


  8. Bill Sawers says:

    Such clean lines ,functionality and aesthetics. A combination of style and practicality which collectively results in an amazing living space. Truly inspirational.


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