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St Pancras Renaissance Hotel (London): full tour
St Pancras Renaissance Hotel (London): full tour

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St Pancras Renaissance Hotel (London): full tour。

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30 thoughts on “St Pancras Renaissance Hotel (London): full tour | セント パンクラス ホテルに関する最も正確な知識の要約

  1. Mark York Whites says:

    Nicely filmed thanks. Unless you stay in the original hotel part, I don’t see the point. That new bit down the side street looking onto the endless red bricks of the British Library, what a rip-off. Worth remembering the old bit is in significant part given over to private accommodation.
    ps you’re out of date with the it’s always raining in London schtick – quite the reverse these days.
    I think I’ll stick to a stroll through the station to get my £12 off peak return on the old Midland Railway to Bedford

  2. Gareth Buckeridge says:

    Whilst this is my favourite building in the capital, I was dissappointed when staying here in January 2019. The cost of the room for the evening was beyond expensive and in all fairness no better than something I would have received at a Premier Inn for a fraction of the price. While the food in the restaurant (both breakfast & evening meal) was nice, this didn't reflect good value for money either.

  3. Rachel Gunning says:

    You say 360 Euros per night isn't good value, but you're staying at the heart of London travel. The Euston Travellodge is pretty expensive, disgusting inside, but directly outside Euston station. That's just London, unfortunately.

  4. Rachel Gunning says:

    They used the front of St Pancras Station as the front of Kings Cross Station in the Harry Potter movies, because it paints British architecture in a light more fitting with the Harry Potter aesthetic.

  5. Davis says:

    When it was built in 1869 the aim was to entice the burgeoning wealthy American travelers to stay. The hotel had a fatal design flaw which immediately put the hotel on a trajectory downwards. It didn't have ensuite bathrooms and so an army of hotel lads would have to shuttle coal and hot water across hallways to connecting bathrooms. I visited the hotel in the 90s before it was restored and marveled at the early central heating. ( with mad bulbous radiators ) and the staircase, but was horrified by the philistinism of tenants British rail who put in lowered ceilings, drilling , smashing into original mouldings and painting over Minton tiles and elegant handmade wallpapers.

  6. Lila Ivey says:

    I spent 6 hours exploring this magnificent structure and hogged my own bar table for 2 hours (glad I did!) I spent nothing except for a long sipping glass of wine. Highlight of my London adventure. It is a treasure.

  7. David Peters says:

    I used to walk passed it in the 70s-80s and shake my head at how it could be left to rot. What a wonderful job they have done (and the work done on King's Cross). I've not been to London since 2005 when I saw the station almost finished and I'd love to see the hotel with my own eyes soon.

  8. Larry G says:

    Thank you..what lovely presentation..it makes one feel as though they were there just hanging out with you. BTW..I’ve been to London back in the 80’s

  9. Alex Ruiz says:

    As a former waiter at this place i wouldn't recommend to anyone, the quality of the products serve are very cheap but you are charge top money, i remember serving Escargot from Tin Cans, the standards of the food are very poor.

    There are rodents at the Restaurant areas, during night service you would be able to see few running around the corners or quiet spaces at the Restaurant but at the end of service you wouldn't be able to keep count.

    At the bar is the same, using left over of champagne to do syrups for cocktails or merging left over from a bottles to other bottles to have a full one .

    If you ever visit this place do not pay the service charge , ask to be remove and give it in cash to your server, the company miss guide the good will of costumers, using the service charge to pay people that ain't at the floor as the finance department take a good cut of the service charge.

  10. James Brown says:

    This hotel looks AMAZING. I think for me, it is really all about the public areas, the lobby, the restaurants, the bars, instead of the rooms. I will definitely plan Afternoon Tea here, and possible dinner, on my next trip,to London.

  11. Caleb Lindley says:

    Fantastic video, shame about the room. You need to go up to Yorkshire mate. York, Ravenscar, Harrogate, Leeds and Yorkshire Moors areas, with panoramic views from practically any hotel up here.

  12. planesrift says:

    Last time I stayed at King's Cross I didn't find the neighborhoods "exciting" at all. Unless, you think avoiding all the mess on the pavement is exciting.

  13. CP140405 says:

    Nice video. We (my much better half and I) have stayed at the Saint Pancras twice now, both times booked into a Junior Suite. Unfortunately, both times we have been there we were so jet-lagged (arriving mid-day from Canada's west coast) that we were too tired to fully appreciate the splendor of the hotel.

    The second time we went, we were upgraded to the Gilbert Scott Suite and that was a real treat. It was huge, ornate and simply breath taking. The dining room/sitting area was huge, complete with a dining table for ten. Too bad we couldn't find eight people to join us for dinner on short notice!

    Booking into a Chambers Suite is wonderful… lounge access for afternoon snacks and breakfast and let's not forget the ducks.

    When we arrived in our suite, there was a rubber duck waiting for us on the side of the bath. Decorated in patterns resembling the wall papers of the hotel, you are invited to take the duck with you, photograph it on your travels and publish those photos.


    We are planning on going back in June of 2021… but this next time, we plan on staying at the end of our trip to the UK so we won't be quite so tired.

  14. Legionnaire Gonk says:

    Those of us who remember Kings Cross & St Pancras in the 70's will remember dirty squalid train stations and neighbourhood. So to see the upturn in its fortune's is welcome. However, the price being charged for an average room in this hotel is ludicrous – it is charging based upon a quality and reputation it doesn't have or earned. Just because the façade is grand and it's in London doesn't justify that room cost.

  15. Lisiepoo says:

    We stayed here in 2018 in one of the rooms in the historic wing. I thought it was beautiful – the service was great too! If you do return stay in the historic section and that gives access to the private club where we ate twice per day. There is also a historic tour that is free and gives you access to more of the hotel and the history.


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