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ホテル hayanに関連するいくつかの情報

今日、@RyotarosJapan と私は、岩手県にある日本で最も幽霊の出るホテルである緑風荘に滞在するために、北日本の岩手を通る 2 日間の旅行に出かけています。 旅🌾 訪れた場所:梅工芸工房 緑風荘旅館 苫小牧チョコレート工場 🌾 その他の岩手コンテンツ:Instagram 「Iwate: Life in Japan」 YouTube 「岩手県公式」 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 🕛 タイムスタンプ 🕛 0:00 @RyotarosJapan at 仙台駅 0:33携帯で新幹線の切符 01:37 地元の職人さんと箸作り 04:20 お化けホテル到着 05:17 ホテルルームツアー 08:06 @RyotarosJapan さんと合流 09:24 おばけ狩り 13:35 おばけ読み 16:11 失敗船旅 17:30 日本一ユニークな旅館 19:30 岩手の大好きな和菓子 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ❤️ 動画に字幕/英語 CC を追加してください! 🔔ベル通知をオンにして、新しいビデオをできるだけ早く表示してください🔔 ▶︎ よろしければこちらもフォローしてください: LIVESTREAM チャンネル: ▶︎ 使用するギア: カメラ 三脚 アクション カム 音楽の提供元: およびその他の製品。 by Lukrembo – Cafe, Apricity, Waiting アマゾンリンクはアフィリエイトリンクです💘 #iwate #japantravel #japanvlog

SEE ALSO  【激安】すすきのラブホテル! | すすきの ラブホテル 安いに関するすべての文書は最も完全です

ホテル hayanに関する情報に関連するいくつかの画像

I Spent the Night at Japan's Most HAUNTED Hotel
I Spent the Night at Japan's Most HAUNTED Hotel

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ホテル hayanに関連するキーワード

#Spent #Night #Japan39s #HAUNTED #Hotel。

SEE ALSO  軽井沢プリンスホテル系列3つ(館内散策・部屋) | 軽井沢 プリンス ホテル 違いに関連するすべてのコンテンツは最高です

day in my life japan,sharla japan,life in japan,japan vlog,japan travel,sharla in japan,sharmeleon,iwate japan,north japan,haunted hotel japan,ghost stories japan,japanese food,japan travel diary,ryotaro japan,japanese food cooking,japan vlog travel,haunted hotel。

SEE ALSO  【まさかの支配人】須磨にあるシャシャリゾートに大潜入 | ホテル シャシャ リゾートに関連する最も正確な知識をカバーしました

I Spent the Night at Japan's Most HAUNTED Hotel。

ホテル hayan。

ホテル hayanについての情報を使用して、restaurantesitar.comが提供することで、より多くの情報と新しい知識があり、それがあなたに役立つことを期待していることを願っています。。 restaurantesitar.comのホテル hayanについての情報を読んでくれてありがとう。

36 thoughts on “I Spent the Night at Japan's Most HAUNTED Hotel | ホテル hayanの一般的な内容が最も正確です

  1. Nothus Deus Vagus says:

    Is there anything that Pasmo Cannot do?.. Such a marvelously simple idea and so very useful piece of kit for us when we last traveled in and around Tokyo. I wish we had them here.

    I suppose that one way to gain some insight into the kind of person who would be wishing to visit your home would be to study their handwritten letter asking for a reservation.

  2. Josh Moreines says:

    I'm going to say this haunted, and cursed? Well for that I would bring three candles and I would then turn off all the lights and light the candles to play the game bloody Mary and I would even try to contact her with a Ouiji board. Hopefully it works because You would need to have the original bloody Mary in a haunted hotel room. 🌝

  3. Myownbravado says:

    Wow! I've been into ghosts since I was really little, but I've never heard of people considering them a blessing! It's always scary, demonic, tragic, or something along those lines. I'm definitely going to look more into that! And what a beautiful place, too, I would love to visit one day.

  4. NataliesRevenge says:

    Prank idea: Speak only English and pretend you don't know any Japanese. Once you get in and stay until night, go out and kneel down and start talking in Japanese as if you're speaking to a child. Next step: Profit??

  5. Eric says:

    We stayed at an Onsen in wakayama which was haunted ghost rumbled thru my luggage which woke me then the spirit went into our daughter as she suddenly sleep walked and we had to wake her and she was shocked and didn't know where she was. Bad spirit.

  6. Gileseypops says:

    I might sound a bit ignorant here, but the idea that a tree is cut down after thousands of years to make a bit of kitchenware makes me a bit sad. Is there a specific reason that this wood is used apart from its rarity?

  7. BOOTLAH says:

    So as a photographer i come across this a lot when using a flash at night or in dimmly lit rooms. When the lens of the camera is dirty or has some kind of moisture on it, it is possible to get this effect. Ive actually used this technique to take pictures of meadows and some nature scenery. But who can say for sure. Great video.

  8. Erika says:

    Loved this vid! Ghost sightings are not very common, so I’m glad you filmed this naturally 🙂 The best part of paranormal vids is learning about the history about the location or building. That’s what sets the mood, and if you find other people that have experienced it, you can interview them or share their stories.

    Hope you can do more of this! 💜 Maybe one day you’ll capture something interesting 🧐

  9. NaNJa says:

    Ryoturro should have "found" a love hotel that was haunted 😯🫢

    "Perfect combination, white chocolate with black chocolate." 🤐

  10. Jewels' Genius For Jesus: Pinky Toe Body Of Christ says:

    I use to go "spirit hunting" when I was dabbling in the occult…. the orbs are demons. Only Jesus is God, only Jesus can protect you. The Messianic prophecies written 1,000 yrs. BEFORE Christ, of which He fullfilled over 300+, prove Jesus IS the true God…. only He can protect you from demons & pay for your sins. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall go to Heaven & be saved from Hell.

  11. Kilijan Zoldyck says:

    as a psychic/empathic psychic it's always a welcoming, warm feeling when spirits, especially the good spirits, come to visit you at home.

    and btw at exactly 10 minutes there was this little boy just standing next to you trying to hold your hand (which is super cute in my opinion since not many spirits do that/are allowed to do that)

  12. Keira Cross says:

    I would love to stay in the haunted hotel!

    I really would love to have an opportunity to draw the little boy if I caught a good glimpse of him!
    Also that story of someone being paralyzed and thinking they saw him is similar to an experience I had when a lady in white visited me, so I think there is some truth to what they say yes.
    EDIT: although I would need a translator to go with me of course 😅

  13. wiff sniff says:

    I've actually had deer meat recently, and it tastes similar to buffalo meat than cow, and its tough yet tender. Like if you bite a small piece, it feels a little tough, but as soon as u bite it, it breaks into small tender strings 🙂

  14. mtgAzim says:

    Sharla's eye's are so expressive that wearing a mask doesn't obscure her emotions.
    Just pay attention to her eyes in the first few seconds. Not everyone is like that.
    Lot's of people are just dead in their eyes.


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