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SEE ALSO  五月山の夜景スポット4選を一人でドライブした夏【4K Vlog】大阪夜景 Osaka at Night | 最も完全な大阪 ドライブ スポット 夜コンテンツをカバーしました

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SEE ALSO  豊洲市場 全体マップ | 豊洲 市場 マップに関する情報の概要最も詳細な

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【4KHDR】Old Kawagoe temples, shrines and Bell Tower
【4KHDR】Old Kawagoe temples, shrines and Bell Tower

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SEE ALSO  Emperor Penguins with chicks in Antarctica. 可愛いコウテイペンギンと赤ちゃんペンギン | かわいい ペンギンの一般的な内容が最も完全です

【4KHDR】Old Kawagoe temples, shrines and Bell Tower。

川越 夜。

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44 thoughts on “【4KHDR】Old Kawagoe temples, shrines and Bell Tower | 関連するコンテンツの概要川越 夜 Best

  1. Paul Osborne says:

    I love Kawagoe so much… It is a pretty little city – the shops are all in one place, so the further you walk along the main street from the station, the older and quieter everything becomes… I remember visiting the oldest, dustiest, most full-to-the-ceiling Pla-Mo shop – run by an elderly couple who were probably 70yrs old and that was 15yrs ago. It was very convenient to travel, from my home in Hanno, so I used to go visit the Go-Hyaku Rakan for the afternoon, when I wanted some peace.. To just look at their faces and forget my own thoughts… 🙂

  2. Don m says:

    Really nice flow from daylight to dusk, in the historical parts, to night, in a park, and then returning to light as you encounter the city area with streetlights toward the end.

  3. Das Ferkel says:

    All those tiny little shops and restaurants… When i go shopping, i can chose from some big supermatkets that sell all the same boring stuff. We don´t have such tiny shops with all their diversity or vending machines on each corner. I would LOVE to walk from shop to shop and get all that cool stuff and yummy foods. ^^

  4. cookie cookie says:

    I miss Japan a lot.. every corner so beautiful..you didnt know what kind of shop or item you would find..and i was so overwhelmed when i go sigh seeing..its to much interesting place and so little time.. so i keep coming back to this kind of video.. to see everycorner 😂.. thank you for the video!! Sorry bad English

  5. Sintes says:

    Great video as always but I can't help but notice how even such an expensive setup struggles a bit with low light video. It seems like the problems are the same as on my iPhone – some noise and light bleed. I wonder if the really high-end setups are any different.

  6. 大森元貴とサワヤンすき says:


  7. えだげん says:


  8. Eric Wong says:

    had the airplane ticket be cheaper, I'm definitley going to Japan this winterbreak, plus the covid19 there still seems negative, what a pity😣


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