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Winter Hiking in Aso, Japan


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Winter Hiking in Aso, Japan | 阿蘇山の冬旅
Winter Hiking in Aso, Japan | 阿蘇山の冬旅



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#Winter #Hiking #Aso #Japan #阿蘇山の冬旅。

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SEE ALSO  【vlog】#04 / 古民家カフェ いな暮らし / rustic japanese house cafe | いな 暮らしに関する知識を最も完全に要約する

Winter Hiking in Aso, Japan | 阿蘇山の冬旅。

阿蘇 冬。

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5 thoughts on “Winter Hiking in Aso, Japan | 阿蘇山の冬旅 | 関連するすべての情報阿蘇 冬最も詳細なもの

  1. George M says:

    Hi Adam. I fully recommend going back to Aso after Spring.
    I'm going to imagine that the mountain you climbed might have been mt. Kishima, as it's easily accessible from the Aso Museum area (if it was, I would not have enjoyed one bit going down that long bare flank in icy conditions. One small tumble and there's nothing stopping you from going down several hundred meters. If it wasn't, you should check it out, as it provides an ideal vantage point to mt. Nakadake on one side and the western half of the caldera) As its soil is obviously volcanic it's quite fertile, and since they have a fair bit of cattle farming on that area, when it's green it looks amazing from up there, massive clifs enclosing a ginormous green bowl (it's one of the largest calderas on Earth) and in the foreground the beautiful perfect small cone of Komezuka.
    Doing a lap of the mt. Kishima rim is also quite nice, even though there's a couple of parts where you really need to watch your step.
    I have to say that Nakadake didn't look quite as angry the day I went, @11:35, that was some serious venting. I bet some of you guys would have been at least a little skirmish… that volcano is a beast. 😅


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