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日本最大の映画スターとして、渡辺謙はラスト サムライ、バットマン ビギンズ、ゴジラ & インセプションなどのハリウッド映画に出演しています。 しかし、ケンが津波で破壊された町を再建するという彼の最大の役割を演じるのは、大画面ではありません。 ケンと 1 週間過ごし、彼の感動的な話を聞きました。 🍿 Patreon で「MAKING OF」を観る: 今年 4 月の Tokyo Vice を観る: ⭐️ このプロジェクトに取り組んでくれた @japango の Yasu と Julian に心から感謝します。 🍻 シン・スズマのサウンドトラック: 🎶 ► ウィークリー・ポッドキャスト: **冒険をたどる** ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: @abroadinjapan **使用機材** ► メインカメラ: ► 屋内レンズ: ► 屋外レンズ: ► FAVORITE Lens: ► BACKUP Camera: ► STABILIZED Camera: ビジネスに関するお問い合わせ先:[email protected]

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I Spent a Week with Japan's BIGGEST Movie Star | Ken Watanabe
I Spent a Week with Japan's BIGGEST Movie Star | Ken Watanabe

あなたが学んでいるI Spent a Week with Japan's BIGGEST Movie Star



#Spent #Week #Japan39s #BIGGEST #Movie #Star #Ken #Watanabe。

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abroad in japan,ken watanabe,the batman,trash taste,tohoku tsunami,chris abroad,godzilla,last samurai。

I Spent a Week with Japan's BIGGEST Movie Star | Ken Watanabe。

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49 thoughts on “I Spent a Week with Japan's BIGGEST Movie Star | Ken Watanabe | 新しいアップデートに関連する一般情報ケーポート

  1. Abroad in Japan says:

    NOTIFICATION SQUAD: So it seems dreams do come true! To say I feel incredibly lucky would be an understatement. After all these years, I’d have been happy just to take a photo with Ken, let alone spent a day or even A WEEK together. I realise we left a lot of questions unanswered and there’s a chance this won’t be the last time we see Ken on Abroad in Japan. But it’s been a privilege to share this side of Ken’s life that most people would never have known about. An incredible man and an inspiring story.
    As always, there’ll be a making of video out on the Patreon later this week, so if you’re interested in seeing what happened behind the scenes be sure to check it out.
    I hope you enjoyed the documentary guys and thank you for being a part of Abroad in Japan and making this happen. It still feels like a bit of a dream.

  2. Anonym says:

    Just hearing the Numbers makes it always seem to be so far away, but realizing that those 19.000 People happened to live, think and feel, just like you, just like Me, makes it unimaginable.

    …So many People, taken away at once. Just like that.

    That's the Kind of Event, that really makes you question Life and Existence.

    We may still here to tell the Story, but the Question is…

    For how long..?

    Realizing that Life doesn't have a Happy End is quite a Bummer.

    It always seems so far away…

    Until it happens.

  3. Jess Till says:

    Very interesting I like this man from last Samurai which I enjoyed so much,,I like your videos as I love Japan and the Culture which blows my mind keep doing what you enjoy cheers ❤️💪👍🦘🇦🇺

  4. Hong says:

    Why don't u speak Japanese to him? Are you afraid to lose your English skills or what? You been there for so long. Let your viewers see how good your Japanese skills are. Your editor is already doing subs for Ken Watanabe anyway.

  5. JeanRain17 says:

    It took me a while to come around to watching this video but this was sooo sweet. Idk why but sometimes when I see people do something that makes them truly happy it makes me tearful and happy as well. This was a great video. Thank you!

  6. Reni Adiwijaya says:

    Chris, I like this video. Next month, there will be an ice show "Notte Stellata" held to commemorate the Great Earthquake. If you had chance, could you pls interview Yuzuru Hanyu, the skater that turned pro last year and has supported the recovery of the area for 11yrs.

  7. Peter DeForest says:

    I have enjoyed Abroad in Japan and his quirky humor. When I saw the title I first thought it was a joke, but what a nice surprise. As I looked up Ken’s background, I see he has suffered some serious health challenges. Perhaps that explains his groundedness and kindness. He realizes fame doesn’t really mean all that much in the end. A great video. Thank you.

  8. James Wade says:

    I’ve been a big fan of Ken’s for decades now so this was really great to see. In the West we don’t see a lot of Japanese actors outside of film. Such a great guy and you did a great service with this video.


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