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日本人ホテルマンの東京での一日。 ホテル業界で働くなら、これが日本でのワーキングライフです。 日本にはおもてなしという独特のおもてなしの習慣があります。 直訳すると、オモテは公の顔を意味し、ナシは無意味であり、サービスが常に完全に本物で正直であることを意味します.日本文化に深く根ざしているため、スタッフはゲストに最高の体験を提供するために特別な努力をしており、見返りを期待することはありません. .東京で朝から晩までヨウヘイの仕事を追う.ヨウヘイはアパホテル新宿御苑前のアシスタントマネージャーとして働いている. アパは日本最大級のホテルチェーンです。 アパホテルならではのニューアーバンスタイルのホテル 高品質・高機能で不要なサービスを一切排除し、すべてのお客様に安らかな眠りをご提供します。日本のビジネスホテルと間違われがちですが、駅近のバジェットスタイルのホテルが多いですが、ビジネスで都市間を移動する日本のサラリーマンを対象としています。 多くの場合、部屋は小さく、シングルベッド、机、テレビ、冷蔵庫、ユニットバス、トイレなどの最低限の設備が整っています。 日本ではチップは習慣的ではなく、ある意味では予期せぬことで厄介な場合があります. どのレベルの仕事にも誇りを持てる日本文化が根付いているため、最高のサービスを提供するためのインセンティブとしてチップを受け取ることは不要と見なされ、すべておもてなしに結びついています。 私が撮影したアパホテル (新宿御苑前) – APA HOTELS & RESORTS – ___ Tokyo Zebra: 私の 2 番目の YouTube チャンネル ___ 日本での私の生活の舞台裏をご覧ください – 日本または日本旅行に関する質問はありますか? 回答を得て、私の Discord コミュニティとチャットしてください – ___ チャンネル サポート ___ 私のチャンネルをサポートし、ビールまたは舞妓と夕食を購入してください。 チャンネル メンバーシップ – – マーチ ストア: ___ 字幕/クローズド キャプションに関するヘルプ ___ – ___ ビジネス ___ 私のビデオであなたのビジネスを取り上げてほしいですか? [email protected] 私に何か送りたいですか? ADDRESS について – ___ 私についての詳細情報 ___ 私は TOKYO JAPAN 出身で、長い間ここに住んでいます。 私はあなたの東京旅行ガイドとして、私が大好きなスポットに連れて行ってくれるだけでなく、日本中や時には海外で何をすべきかを紹介します. 私はテクノロジーにも興味があるので、私のドローンや私が見つけたその他のクールなおもちゃについてのビデオをいくつか見ていきます。 要するに、このチャンネルは、私が愛するもの、日本、食べ物、旅行、テクノロジー、そしておそらく FROM-TOKYO – ウェブサイト – Instagram: @paolofromtokyo – @tokyo.zebra – – Facebook: – Twitter: ___ My Film Gear ___ (使用されるアフィリエイト リンク – 購入した製品から手数料を受け取る場合があります) – メイン カメラ (USA リンク) (国際) – メイン ワイド レンズ (USA リンク) (国際) – パワード マイク (USA リンク) (国際) – マイク (USA リンク) (国際) – ポータブル トライポッド (USA リンク) (国際) – ジンバル (USA リンク) (国際) – ドローン (オリジナル) (USA リンク) (国際) – 私のギアの完全なリスト: ビデオの音楽へのアクセス:

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Day in the Life of a Japanese Hotel Worker
Day in the Life of a Japanese Hotel Worker

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#Day #Life #Japanese #Hotel #Worker。

SEE ALSO  信州白骨温泉の宿|長野県旅行にオススメのホテル | 白骨 温泉 宿泊の一般的な内容が最も詳細です

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SEE ALSO  ひつまぶしが食べ放題!コスパ最高ホテルに行ってきた #shorts | 厚木 ホテル カップル 安いの最も正確な要約の概要

Day in the Life of a Japanese Hotel Worker。

ホテル メッセージ カード。

ホテル メッセージ カードに関する情報を使用して、Restaurante Sitarが更新されたことで、より多くの情報と新しい知識が得られることを願っています。。 restaurantesitar.comのホテル メッセージ カードについての記事を読んでくれて心から感謝します。

23 thoughts on “Day in the Life of a Japanese Hotel Worker | 最も詳細な知識の概要ホテル メッセージ カード

  1. Hunter Janell Winchester says:

    I am working in a hotel right now. While we have have high standards japan really goes above and beyond. I really admire their dedication. Our new front desk manager and staff is really doing a great job. but there is always room for improvement. Maybe I will show them this for some great ideas.

  2. Larry Kroah says:

    Thank you, Paolo, for this interesting piece on the work of a hotel employee, and that of an Assistant Manager at that. It's valuable to know how people work. It provides valuable insights in to Japanese culture.

  3. Sweet Amura says:

    Love you're videos. If you ever get a chance to do a wastewater treatment plant in the future, I'd be so interested in seeing it. I work in wastewater here in America.

  4. Raptor Jesus says:

    Since a lot of people here aren't in Japan and are probably in the United States; let me give you some pointers from a former Maintenance Employee that worked at a hotel.

    (Sadly, the united states does not have anywhere near the amount of professionalism that they do.)

    1. Do not get ice from an ice machine. They are usually not properly cleaned, and if you did know how to clean one you'd be horrified. 90% of the time they are dirty, and usually are the last thing on the priority list of what to do. This goes for basically every type of ice machine.

    2. Do not remove the smoke alarms (yes, common sense, I know.) I don't know about most buildings, but my building had an interface that showed all active/inactive smoke alarms. Doing this, even if you didn't break the thing, will result in hundreds of dollars being charged to your account.

    3. Don't think by checking out you are scott free with anything you did in that room. We have your card on file, and will charge you.

    4. If you plan to tip your housekeeper, hide your tips. Don't hide them so they never find them, just make sure they're out of plain view. Many head-housekeepers or other staff that collect laundry will steal the tips from housekeepers that are assigned to that room. This is a big problem at a lot of hotels since there isn't a way to know if there was a tip there before you got there.

    5. From a former maintenance guy, give them some love if you could. Maintenance is a very neglected role both by management and guests. It's a highly stressful job, and 90% of the time when we are dealing with guests they are extremely rude or irate. This is usually because maintenance is only called when stuff breaks- and we're "at fault" for that. Don't be surprised if you don't see a single maintenance guy around though, we are meant to be out of sight and out of mind.

    6. If your window has a small latch-lock or a lock in general, do not attempt to unlock it. Odds are, it's there to prevent people from jumping out the window.

    7. Please, I recommend you to buy a camera detector. Some hotels have workers regularly checking rooms for hidden cameras, but sometimes things happen. It is an extremely rare incident and likely never happens, but if you want to be on the safe side of things (especially if you have kids) please buy one. They are decently cheap and will show you the lenses of any cameras. If you do happen to find one- do NOT destroy it and notify staff immediately. Destroying it would only get rid of evidence.

    8. Do not block your door with a chair or anything else. If staff need into your room and we find that it is blocked, you can get in very big trouble. This is for a multitude of reasons. One, it's for fire safety. Two, its for general safety. You could be stabbed in that room and bleeding out, and we'd have to kick the door down forcing us to waste time. Yes, we have had experiences with that before.

    9. This one is a very rare one as well, but considering how many mishaps happened at my hotel I would like to tell you as well. If you check into a room and you see a small fan-like object plugged in and on, and the room smells weird, please do not go into that room. Housekeepers at my own hotel regularly took Maintenance equipment and thought they knew how to use it, and that object is likely an Ozone machine. You can walk into that room and feel fine, and pass out a few minutes later. It would kill you if you stay in the room and you wouldn't even feel short of breath. Notify your hotel staff if you have headaches upon entering your room as well, as Ozone can leak through walls.

    10. If you break something in your room please notify the staff. Odds are Maintenance will have spare pieces, and if they don't then oh well. They likely won't charge you unless you broke something very significant, like a window, T.V, or something of that sort.

    BONUS 11. If you have kids, you need to get them under control. The staff will hate you, your nearby hotel neighbors will hate you, everyone will essentially hate you. A hotel is not a playground and do not let your children go through the place unsupervised. Just because we have cameras doesn't mean bad things can happen, and we are not your designated baby sitters. Allowing this to happen too much could be grounds for you to be kicked out of the hotel WITHOUT a refund.

    EXTRA BONUS 12. One more time, be nice to maintenance 🙁


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